Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Third Time Running Out Of Gas - Got Some Good From My Mistake

I DON'T believe in coincidences. People come into your life for a reason or a season...

So yesterday, I was burying my needle and driving on 'E'...saw the closest gas station but wanted to go to one closer to my destination. Shame on me, but don't judge me. I'm just a typical girly-girl that just gets in and drive. lol Yes....I ran out of gas. I HATE putting gas in my car. If they had some people come out and do it for me, it would make my life lol.

As my car died at the car wash entryway, a gentleman who worked there came to help right away. I didn't have to wait for hours the second time I did this or 30 minutes the first time it happened.  He walked with me to the gas station (boy was it hot in Houston).
I didn't have my gas can. I left it in Washington state from the second incident. Anyway, he filled up for me an empty milk carton he had on hand. As we walked back, we got to talking. Asked what I did, I shared, and he says: "I don't believe this meeting was by accident. I think I was put here to lead you to where you need to go, to get connections in Houston". And he proceeded to tell me about a building up the street where business owners meet all the time to network. Told me to go there get a flyer, find out how often they meet and go to those places because Houston is a huge market.

When I told him I just moved here he said " came to the right place." He said, "I work here at the car wash so if you ever need it washed definitely consider me." He told me his name. "I'm making ends meet but I make the best BBQ in Houston. I've worked at all the top restaurants here, and I want to start my own business. The owner of the car wash is letting me set up a tent and my grill etc to start small. If I make it I can move to a new spot.

I corrected him.  'You mean WHEN you make it." He smiled and said "Yes you're right."

At the end he said not to forget him. I told him I would definitely support his growth, I love me some BBQ. I gave him my name, and there it is...... I share all that to say how important it is to build relationships no matter what, that sometimes the 'Universe' shifts things to work in your favor, you don't always have to know the HOW, just know to discern and see something when its presented - that could be a life-changer if you act on it. I'm excited for what's to come.

Though he gave me a tiny lecture about not driving a car like mine - a Volvo XC90 - into the ground by not putting gas in it, he was full of knowledge and I'm glad to have made that connection with him. Running out of gas was a blessing in disguise, the best thing that happened to me that day.

Get your blessings, and count the ones you already have.

Til next time,

Keisha Monique Official!


  1. I just wrote about the universe shifting as well. It's amazing!
