Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Self Sabotage is NOT Your Friend - But LOVES Your Company

Self Sabotage Is NOT Your Friend

It happens to the best of us! Though it is NOT the best of us. (ooo quote!) But it happens all too often, and this is something that I’m combating myself. Self-sabotage.
What is it, and how does it happen? Most of you can relate to this. Its not all business related. It can happen when you’re trying to lose weight, when you’re trying to move on from a toxic relationship, when you’re trying to focus on school, break some type of addiction….and of course when you join or start whatever business you decide on.

 How Does Self-Sabotage Even HAPPEN?

Every situation has the EXACT same steps to self-sabotage…if we let it sink in, it won’t go away…it loves your company:
  • First you get excited.
  • Then you commit to it, and VOW that you will NEVER give up you are SOOOO excited.
  • The excitement wears off when you don’t see the results you hoped to have in a given amount of time.
  • You start backing off of that thing you were SOOO excited about.
  • You talk to yourself, and excuses begin. Why you cheated for the day BUT will restart tomorrow…why you went back to him/her for that tenth one time, BUT you won’t do it again…you turned in your homework late BUT its okay you still have time, why you didn’t call follow up with your prospects/build a list/return a call, BUT you’ll get to it asap.
  • Then tomorrow comes. It still isn’t done. You push it to another day.
  • Then another day.
  • And another.
  • Before you know it…you are not excited anymore. People are still there to support you but you’re not feelin’ them. You don’t know why you started in the first place. Maybe it wasn’t for you. You’re not making any money. You gained 2 pounds back. Your teacher gave you C. Dude/dudette still doesn’t want you. Oh this can’t be good, so why are you still doing it? You ask.
  • People begin to ask questions. Where are you? They haven’t seen you in the gym lately…you’re not back with WHAT’S HIS/HER FACE are you? Are you still in ABC Business??
  • The excuses continue…and theennnn….
  • You say eff it. You’re done. Nothing’s happening (damn right nothing’s happening. You did it to yourself. And You quit.
Then you see everyone around you STILL going on with life…and you feel like an outsider. Why can’t YOU have the same success…because it seems like all the successful people are thrown in your face all of a sudden, right?
Self-sabotage is NOT YOUR FRIEND. It hangs around the back of your mind, waiting for any reason for you to doubt yourself. It plays with your emotions. It makes you second-guess your talent, abilities, skills. Keeps you unfocused. It’s all about you.  Self-sabotage loves making you feel this way.

No More! How?  (And It’s Not Always Easy)

The only way to get rid of it, is to flood your mind. Flood it. With:
  • Personal/Self Development
  • People who are heading the same direction as yourself.
  • Taking all of the ‘bad words’ – like, failure, quitting, no, you can’t, and it’s impossible, out of your vocabulary.
  • Shifting your mind and shaking self-sabotage completely out of your system.
  • Discipline yourself to go beyond yourself. You will look back and be AMAZED with your new self.
  • Pray about it! – Definitely NOT the last thing to do, saving the best FOR last.
Perfect example is my blog! I am supposed to blog everyday! But as you can see, time has lapsed! Its no one’s fault but my own, but it was b/c I became LAZY.  No excuses…especially with what I’VE been through! So…JUST SAY NO TO SELF-SABOTAGE!


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