Thursday, May 2, 2013

MLM NEWSFLASH - GoFunPlaces Has Shut Down - They Are Done

GoFunPlaces is gone.


I was privy to this info late last night with a friend who's team was part of the largest group in GoFunPlaces. Yea EVEN before the infamous Troy DOOLY put the video out. How you like me now! lol Anyway, she advised that she tried to log in and that she got a message that she was terminated.
Her shady sponsor (and I use that term loosely) didn't even tell her THAT...but DID proceed to ask her to join him in another business after she lost thousands of dollars on his word. She had to find out on her own...and when she DID approach her sponsor he decided to be forthcoming THEN. Can't STAND greedy mo-fos...but that's another topic.


With the HUGE fallout of Zeek Rewards aka Zeek, called the biggest Ponzi Scheme on the planet, people scrambled to many other copy cats to try to recoup what was lost...Vultures were everywhere with rescue programs. Some left networking altogether but not before losing friends, homes, cars, and respect and confidence in this industry.

What exactly WAS GoFunPlaces?

Well, like Zeek, you placed an ad everyday. Instead of a penny auction they had a lifestyle auction; it revolved around the travel industry.
This program specialized in niche markets of:  Lifestyle, Leisure and Travel. Their program stated that members save up 95% on lifestyle, leisure and travel products and services like electronics, sporting gear, luxury items, dream vacations and more.
They made purchases with the use of what they called Lifestyle Dollars to purchase products.
Like Zeek, where you gave away bids to customers to play in the penny auction, you gave Lifestyle Dollars to friends to purchases from the travel site, auction and shopping mall.

As an active qualified affiliate, every time someone purchased products and services from you or your team with Lifestyle Dollars, you get paid! <-- Sounds exactly what Zeek was saying. But you had to place your ad to qualify! Just like Zeek.
And just like Zeek, you had to have the mindset of deferred gratification. You watched your income build over time until you make a certain amount daily to begin withdrawing funds. Depending on your skill could take up to a year before you see any of that money.

See where I'm going with this? Now I was singing the Zeek praises...but after all this stuff came to light AFTER the fact (the shutdown), I began to deal with that wonderful thing called hindsight...after I got through denial, depression and anger. Anywho moving on.

 Click below to learn more about GoFunPlaces...before the site goes away:

Side note - Its so funny now I can talk openly about this...I used to wonder when people would stop talkin about Zeek Rewards...I was one of the folks that took part of the program and lost a lot. But after that, I learned my lesson, and didn't look back or join any of the other copy cat auction businesses...but the APPEAL of TRAVEL got really was a Zeek covered in Travel wear. And now many have been screwed out of thousands. Again.

Here's the interesting part though. This company is legal in other countries. JUST NOT in the US. The owners of GoFunPlaces actually got legal involved to look at their compensation plan to determine what needs to be done. After legal counsel advised that it wasn't a sustainable model for the US they VOLUNTARILY SHUT THEIR DOORS.

I think that's commendable...aside from the fact people lost 5figs or more in a matter of overnight...leaders JUST purchasing a home and bringing ALL their colleagues along for the ride - only for the ride to come to a screeching halt before it got started.

But you know what? Hear it from the horses mouth. He is not a favorite of mine because he blows which ever way the wind decides...cheerleader for a company one sec and hater the next day. But he does present some actual facts so watch this video from Troy Dooly on the official shutting down of GoFunPlaces

And to all the networkers who seem to think they are doing those folks who may be doing people a favor to those who may have lost a LOT...leave them alone. Some may pick right back up, some may need time b/c they invested so much into GoFun, others may need to do something asap (like a job) so they don't lose everything and the LAST thing they need is you all in their faces telling them to join you in something you know takes time to build, or they are not interested in, OR not have the money for. DUH......Keep the vulture in you at bay. Be mindful!! And they just may come find YOU. What you can do as a fellow networker understand, be there to uplift. That's the better way.
I know because I've been through it. My sponsor in my company knew me and what I was going through, what I lost, how I felt..she almost JOINED me in Zeek...but she stayed in touch and pitched NOTHING. When time was right...I went to her. Now we are FEARLESS and hustlin.

Til next time,
